Sushi is a very famous Japanese food that grew popularity in the United States just like it grew popular all over the world. It has taken on some western flavors and techniques and this evolved sushi has traveled back to Japan to become trendy American Sushi Restaurant.
There are some differences between the traditional sushi and the evolved American sushi. The first being that most of Japanese sushi had some sort of fish included, either raw or treated with pickles. American sushi has taken on a decidedly western technique when it comes to creation, adding area-specific ingredients and changing the shape, size and presentation format laid out by Japanese inventors.
It was very different from the sushi being served in Japan and America. As the food was then made through fermenting rice and fish, only the fish was eaten and the rice was not eaten, due to the sour taste. These days, this type of food is only served near Lake Biwa.
Japanese people invented modern sushi as finger food, so they could eat it without the use of chopsticks. People would bring it at theater and at festivals to eat it with hands, thus the era of modern sushi came into existence.
As Japanese evolved sushi as food not to be eaten with chopsticks, many Japanese still like to eat it using chopsticks. Though Temaki is an exception. A Temaki is a nori roll shaped like an ice cream cone, and filled with variations.
Many other types include sukeroku, sashimi, nigiri, inari, oshi and maki. Americans also love these types of sushi and are familiar with them as these are served by many restaurants in America. In particular Sukeroku is very famously available in America because of vegetarian nature. Another name for this is ume sushi and it is considered as a low quality with ingredients available from common grocery stores.
Sukeroku is also a common type of sushi found in American grocery stores. It is a cheap food as it is vegetarian and has been Americanized.
Japanese and American sushi are also different as they are very different in quality. Sukeroku being a cheap sushi is widely available in America. There are many bars in America that cater specifically to the American sushi craze, complete with loud rock and roll music. This sort of sushi reflects what traditional Japanese diners would consider very outlandish ingredient combinations, and bars add to the atmosphere with American furnishings and color schemes.